Ashy Drongo at Mt. Davis

Just a quick post today: an ashy drongo from Mt. Davis. This was the first time ever saw one, so I was very happy to get a record shot. These birds migrate south for the winter, so this one is likely passing through. However, there may be more permanent residents elsewhere in Hong Kong, as it is within their breeding range.

The species has a number of subspecies that vary primarily in color throughout their distribution. The ones furthest east in Asia ranging from about Korea to Southeast Asia are more grey colored while those to the west in the Indo-Malayan subcontinent are closer to black.

One thought on “Ashy Drongo at Mt. Davis

  1. Just spotted an Ashy Drongo, my first time too. (1315Hrs 31 Mar24)  In the hills behind Baguio Villa in Pokfulham.  Initially thought it was a migrating flycatcher but it seemed rather large. It occured to me it was a Drongo flying out much further than a flycatcher from a prominent perch picking off insects.  Distinct fork in tail. Albino like white face and marked black spot for the eye.  My observation had a much whiter face than Saunders, but the range of “ashyness” is addressed at and assume this due to the race, light and/or maturity of the bird.  Thank you for helping me with this tick. 


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